Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Stay At Home Parent Transitioning Back to Work
Stay At Home Parent Transitioning Back to WorkStay At Home Parent Transitioning Back to WorkIf youve been a stay-at-home parent, youve poured time into ensuring that everyone in your household has what they need to succeed. Now its your turn. This year make it your resolution to redirect that energy to fuel your own professional reinvention.I know, it can seem worrisome. At some point while you were room parenting, soccer coaching, field tripping and carpooling, Twitter became a second language in which everyone seems to radiate fluency. And Snapchat suddenly turned into a business tool. You are not sure how to get started in a reality that appears much different than the one you left when your kids were small. You may worry that the gaps in your resume match those in your tech savvy and both make you look incomplete in a way that the professional world wont tolerate.Dont let your fears drive this important initiative. Be proud of the work you accomplished for your family. Your exper tise was well applied in an arena where it was needed. Those efforts have yielded professional value, and the workforce wants you. Simply Hired data reveals that 4.5 million jobs are open across the US. This represents a more than 9% increase in job postings from January 2015. So you picked a great time to jettison your prowess for managing, organizing, streamlining and planning into a new career. Decide what you want Examine your resume. Think about the job you had before you took a hiatus to raise your kids. Would you like to continue on that path or do you want something different? Review job postings. See what is available and what sounds like it could be a fit. You may not be ready to pick up right where you left off. You may need to work up to your former title, but thats not a bad thing really. Starting out slowly will make it easier to acclimate back into the workforce. Define your priorities. Is salary your top priority or is flexibility more important? Are you ready to tak e on a full-time job or would part- time work suit you better? Set yourself up for success by thinking this through and being very realistic about what you want and what you are willing to juggle. Update your resume Dont be ashamed of that gap on your resume. You made a good choice for your family, so own that. Look at your recent efforts Did you coach, teach a class, volunteer, take on a leadership role on a board or a committee? All of those efforts make you the professional you are now. All are resume-buildingand interview appropriate. Social media LinkedIn is easy to use. Your former coworkers wont expect a lengthy update or touchbase email from you. So dont feel daunted by social expectation, just start building your network.Here are a couple more user friendly and helpful social media tipsthat will help get you started.Network Even with LinkedIn and other networking technology, knowing someone who puts in a good definitiv still gets resumes noticed. Go to networking events. Se t up informational interviews with well-positioned contacts. Volunteers at organizations where you hope to find employment. When you have kids your reality tends to becomes more local. You befriend parents at your kids school and on their teams. You work alongside them at fundraisers and events. Your network can become a very local one and it may yield wonderful opportunities close to home. So tap into that resource. This is the time for self discovery. So embrace your candidacy 2016 is going to be your year.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Should You Include a Soft Skills Resume Section
Should You Include a Soft Skills Resume Section Should You Include a Soft Skills Resume Section Before focusing my geschftliches miteinander solely on soft skills solutions for companies and organizations, I offered resume writing services and worked with hundreds of individual job seekers. I created a soft skills resume section for my clients who received excellent feedback from employers and began landing interviews and job offers.Of course, I recommend revising your entire resume- leid just this section- but I strongly believe a tailored soft skills resume section will set you apart in your job search and improve your odds of landing interviews.What are soft skills?Soft skills- interpersonal skills- are a combination of talent and ability. In todays world, many employees havent been taught essential soft skills and arrive at work lacking basics like time management, communication skills, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and more.Why employers scan for soft skills on resumesEm ployers cannot afford to hire candidates with weak soft skills. When they do, they invest significantly in new hires (throughout the hiring, onboarding, and training process) who will not be retained long-term. Poor hiring decisions affect productivity, collaboration amongst team members, morale, and company culture, too.Did you know that 67% of HR managers said theyd hire a candidate with strong soft skills even if technical skills were lacking, while only 9% would hire someone with strong technical skills but weak soft skills? And that 93% of employers claim that soft skills are an essential or very important factor in making hiring decisions?The bottom line is soft skills in the workplace is a big deal, and thats not going to change.If youre revising your resume, understand that if you dont highlight your soft skills and indicate specific ways youve showcased those soft skills in the past, employers may have to pass. Hiring a candidate who demonstrates poor soft skills- or who is silent about these skills altogether- is risky.How to determine which soft skills to feature on your resumeWhich 3-5 skills would you consider your best assets? It may be difficult to identify your strongest soft skills on your own. Get some help. Work with a career coach, your career services staff (if youre in college), or check out a great list of soft skills online to get your brain churning. Talk to people whove worked with you in the past or former classmates. Ask them to help you identify which soft skills youve demonstrated repeatedly while working on projects.Identify a job youre interested in applying for. Did you know that fruchtwein job postings can be broken down into three main components company/organization description, job functions, and job requirements? Check out the job posting. Look for mention of soft skills throughout the job posting. In most cases, you will find these skills mentioned in either job requirements or job functions. Employers are desperately see king candidates who already possess essential soft skills. It makes more sense to hire someone who does not require six months of training in communication skills than to hire someone who does.Now you get to play match-up. Compare your top 3-5 soft skills with the skills preferences or requirements in the job posting. Hopefully the employer is looking for the same skills you feel are your greatest assets.Jobscan can help automate this process by identifying soft skills in the job description and comparing it to whats already on your resume.Try it yourself here?What if none of them match? Ask yourself a few questions.A) Am I really qualified to apply for this position?B) Do I possess the soft skills the employer is looking for, even though I dont feel theyre my top 3-5?If you can answer yes to these two questions, carry on.Creating a soft skills section for your resumeNow that you know which soft skills to highlight on your resume, create a specific skills section. Call it something simple and straightforward. Soft skills highlights works fine. You want to create no more than three bullet points featuring three soft skills in this section. Keep it simple and short. Each bullet point should summarize an example of a time when you demonstrated the soft skill youre highlighting. Think of these bullet points as soft skill accomplishment statements. Remember to quantify and qualify your examples whenever possible.Here are two examples to get you startedManages, multiple tasks, completing projects on time Trained 450+ students in computer skills, maintained elementary school library, ordered library materials, managed 12 staff members.Strategic problem-solver Moved organization from fully-insured contract to self-insurance saved $400,000 by negotiating with vendors.Lastly, keep in mind you cant create this section once and never look at it again if you want to create a hard-hitting resume. You should tailor this section each time you apply for a job. Why? Because eac h industry, company, and job role requires a unique set of soft skills. Each job posting will make it clear which soft skills you need to fit well within the organization and to succeed in the job role.This section is not just an opportunity to showcase all your assets. Its an opportunity to match your assets to the companys preferences. Bottom line Its not just about you. Its a two-way street, as with everything else in the hiring process.One final thought keep in mind that in order to highlight your soft skills on your resume, you must possess them. If you find yourself lacking great soft skills, do something about it. Seek some training or coaching. Dont wait until your lack of soft skills causes you to miss a great promotion or to lose a terrific business opportunity.Bethany Wallace helps facilitate communications transformation in the workplace through implementing soft skills solutions. Owner of a communications and consulting business, she helps mission-minded organizations, employers, and educational institutions to fulfill their missions by implementing soft skills solutions. She offers tailored training packages, executive coaching, professional development, and keynote presentations.Bethany has worked for 12 years in higher education as an English faculty member, career services director, and advisor. She previously served as Content Manager for College Recruiter, a technical writer for HP, and has garnered management experience in the non-profit sector as well. In addition to managing her business, Bethany conducts research with business partners, volunteers in the community, and mentors other women. Connect with Bethany onLinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
7 Skills and Drills for Your Professional Network
7 Skills and Drills for Your Professional Network7 Skills and Drills for Your Professional Network00Networking. The word alone can cause fear or excitement depending on your personal experiences with the process. No matter your take on the process, a professional network is an essential job search resource to keep handy. And because networking is a cesspool of human interactions, its important to know how to network effectively and professionally.There are many aspects of networking including growing and managing a professional network. Other considerations include knowing where to network, how to start and end conversations, and handling the awkwardness that can often accompany networking events. To help you get a handle on your professional network, weve compiled a list of common networking activities and associated resources.Here are seven skills and drills for your professional networkGrowing a NetworkBefore you can utilize a network, you need to grow one. These tips will help yo u to get your network started and growing successfully5 Ways to Grow Your Professional Network4 Ways to Build an AWESOME Virtual NetworkHow to Build a Professional Network as a Virtual WorkerHow to Grow a Network Youll Actually LoveHandling Disdain for NetworkingHate networking? You arent alone. The following resources will help you to find the silver lining to those uncomfortable interactions.Networking Events 5 Tips to Not Hate ThemHow to Network When You HATE NetworkingNetworking Tips for People Who Hate Small TalkManaging a NetworkMaintaining a professional network takes time and patience. Check out behauptung resources to help you to manage and nurture your network.Networking Checklist Where Are You Going Wrong?4 Ways to Create a Strong Personal BrandHow to Write Professional and Effective EmailsQuick Guide to Networking and Job Searching on LinkedIn7 Ways to Interact with New People in Your NetworkNetworking for Specific GroupsSince networking can be a specialized event, here are some tips that are targeted towards specialized groups.6 Career Change Networking TipsNetworking for Millennials How to Make It UsefulNetworking for Remote WorkersTop Networking Tips for Freelancers4 Networking Tips for Military MomsMoms How to Start Networking Again7 Networking Tips for Introverts to Help Make It BetterPlaces to NetworkNot sure where you can find networking opportunities? Check out the following resources to identify places to network.Quick Guide to Networking and Job Searching on LinkedInHow to Use Twitter in Your Job Search5 Great Sites for Finding Networking Events5 Fun Places to Network Without Feeling IckyNetworking Tips and TricksSometimes its nice to have a trick up your sleeve. These resources will provide you with insider tips and tricks to make the most of the experience.Networking Checklist Where Are You Going Wrong?4 Tips for Successful Online NetworkingWhen Should Job Seekers Connect with Hiring Managers?How to Network When You Dont Know AnyoneJob Titles Are Boring Heres How to Describe Your WorkNetworking ConversationsLooking to avoid awkward conversations? These resources will teach you how to start and end a networking conversation tactfully.The Dos and Donts of Informational InterviewingHow to End a Networking Conversation Tactfully5 Tactics for Starting a Conversation with a StrangerFor more great information on growing and managing your professional network, check out the Networking Tips category on the blogReaders, what are your thoughts about networking? Are you in love with your professional network or do you need to show it a little attention? Share your ideas, tips, and experiences with us below
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
7 Tips for Starting a Second Career
7 Tips for Starting a Second Career7 Tips for Starting a Second CareerThings you should consider if youre pursuing an encore career later in life. QuestionI am 65 and nowhere near ready to retire (physically and emotionally) but I need to find more meaningful work than Im doing now. Whats the best way to overcome the age issue when approaching potential employers? J.F. of Annapolis, MDAnswer I cant tell you how many people Ive spoken to recently who are looking for new opportunities later in lifeDo me a favor and Google the following term today encore careerAn encore career, also called recareering, is defined as an employment transition made during the latter part of ones career, typically to the social sector or a public-interest field, such as education, the environment, health care, government, social services or nonprofits.It makes sense. Youve worked hard throughout your career, doing what needed to be done to pay the bills and put the kids through school. Now the kids are out of the house and youre considering downsizing. You dont want to work 60+ hours a week anymore, and youre OK taking a pay cut to get there. And most importantly, youre looking for a job thats bedrngnis just a job you want a role that helps you give back to the community and that makes a social impact.Youre not alone.A 2011 research study conducted by Penn Schoen Berland concluded that nearly 9 million Americans between the ages of 44 and 70 are in encore careers, with an additional 31 million interested in pursuing one. Its an appealing option for job seekers at retirement age who either need to continue working to maintain a paycheck and medical benefits, or want to continue working while making a lifestyle change.Here are some things to consider before you leap into that next chapter of your careerWhen considering an encore career, think about the key strengths and skills that made you successful in your professional career, and explore opportunities where you think they could be applied. These skills, along with your passion for a specific cause, will be your greatest selling points during the search.Once youve chosen an area to pursue, its important to immerse yourself in industry news and terminology. The easiest way to start is zugnglich. Create Google News alerts using industry-specific terms or organizations names to receive relevant articles identify major organizations associated with your cause and join them and subscribe to industry-specific online newsletters, blogs and Twitter feeds.Join professional groups online and offline via LinkedIn Groups and Meetup.com to join in conversations and attend networking events. Identify any connections in your current network who work within your targeted industry and take them out for an informational interview this is a great way to gain valuable insight into the market and uncover potential opportunities.Look for volunteer and internship opportunities (yes, internships ) in your chosen area so you can add industry-related experience to your work history and make new connections. When possible, pursue these opportunities while still working as a full-time professional to make the transition smoother once youre ready for the switch.Stay current with technology. You dont have to be a maverick on Twitter, but you should understand how it works. I recommend exploring each of the more popular social media platforms for work Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. You should be proficient with computers, navigating online and Microsofts main products (Word, PowerPoint and Excel). Microsoft has some great free online tutorials you can take, or you can explore courses given at your local community college.Show your energy and passion. Employers who open their arms to encore job seekers expect the candidates to be older, but that doesnt mean youll completely avoid age discrimination during your transition. Do what you can to promote the active, vivacious part of your personality during net working activities and in interviews. Think about your wardrobe and appearance, energy level and the topics you bring up during casual conversations.Be prepared for a long ride. The average American in an encore career takes 18 months to make the transition, and 67 percent of those folks had reduced or zero income during that transition period. If you want to pursue an encore career, start saving now, and be mentally prepared for the journey ahead.Its not impossible, but it will take time and money to get there. Here are some of my favorite resources for encore job seekers Encore.org Nonprofit organization working to promote encore careers. Founded by Marc Freedman, author of The Big Shift Navigating the New Stage Beyond Midlife. Plus 50 Initiative Innovative program organized by the American Association of Community Colleges that is currently being offered at 25 community colleges around the country. Also, Google Encore Fellowships for more programs. AARP Nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people ages 50 and older. A section of its website is dedicated to work, retirement planning and recareering. Idealist.org Job board dedicated to volunteer, internship and paid opportunities within the nonprofit sector. JobsOver50 This source offers career advice and job listings for part-time work and internships.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
How to Avoid Office Drama at Work - The Muse
How to Avoid Office Drama at Work - The MuseHow to Avoid Office Drama at WorkTrash-talking friends, free-flowing gossip, popularity contests, and exclusive cliques. Sound like high school? Probably. But the better (and much scarier) question is- does it sound like your office? You might assume now that youve entered the professional, mature workforce, youd be able to escape the petty drama reminiscent of high school. In reality, offices can be just as drama-filled as your high school homeroom. All of a sudden, you find yourself the subject of co-workers who talk behind your back, try to recruit you to take sides in an argument, or help make someone look good- but only at the expense of someone else. And if youre not careful, its easy to get roped into those destructive activities yourself.But, as Im sure you remember from your school days, drama rarely benefits anyone. Its certainly not going to help you get ahead at work, land any promotions, or negotiate any raises. Stay on track t o a successful career by following these six rules for keeping your work life drama-free. Rule 1 If You Did it When You Were 15, Dont Do it NowWere all mature, professional adults here, right? Yet, its easy to catch yourself doing things that are mora worthy of high school hallways than the office. For example, maybe youre not getting along with a certain co-worker, so you give her the cold shoulder- walking past her desk and passing her in the break room without a glance her way, let alone a greeting. You can immediately recognize this behavior as immature and inappropriate in a work setting- and it will only serve to incite more drama once the co-worker in question (and everyone else on your team) takes notice. Leave the angsty behavior behind and focus on interacting with your co-workers and dealing with any issues in a mature, professional way.Rule 2 Save the Venting for Outside the OfficeIts probably the most obvious rule of them all Resist the urge to talk about your co-worker s and anfhrer while youre in the office. And yet, most people do it anyway. Its common office chatter Did you hear what Brian said in the meeting this morning? I cant believe Lisa thought this report was good. I heard that Megan partied a little too hard with a client last weekend at the conference. Yet, that seemingly harmless chatter immediately turns offensive when the person in question happens to walk by your cubicle while youre mid-sentence- or when word inevitably gets around that youre talking about that colleague. And dont think that closing your office door keeps you out of the fray. That sense of security can lead to raised, frustrated voices- which can often carry through office walls. Youve heard it before, but everyone could use a reminder Save the venting for when youre away from the office and well out of earshot of anyone who works at your company. Youll spare everyone the drama. Rule 3 When in Doubt, Wait to ReplyThere arent many things that can get your blood boil ing as quickly as an schmelzglas that seems to attack you, your team, or your work. So when you do, you immediately fire off a scorching reply, contesting every point made in the emaille- and CCing a few key higher-ups to make your point crystal clear. Suddenly, everyones chiming in and taking sides on whats now an emergency situation. Or, you resort to the more passive-aggressive approach, beginning your email with, I could be wrong, but maybe my team wouldnt have missed our deadline if the product managers had provided the research on time. Either way, youre encouraging drama. So if you find yourself beginning an email reply in a frustrated frenzy, stop and walk away from the keyboard. Let the email simmer for a while before you respond. Logically think through what you want to say- and more importantly, how to say it in a calm, diplomatic way. Often, if you come back to the email 15 or 30 minutes later, youll find that you can think much more clearly- and avoid a whole lot of dra ma in the process. Rule 4 Know When Its Time to Talk it OutAlong the same lines, to avoid unnecessary drama, you have to realize the point at which its better to simply talk to your co-worker in person or on the phone, rather than engage in a heated email battle. It doesnt look good on anyone to foster an angry email chain, adding bosses and managers along the way, until its developed into a full-fledged battle. If you sense frustration, anger, or accusation in an email, and it likely cant be resolved with one simple email reply, resolve to talk it out. Youll find that verbal communication leaves less room for misinterpretation and is often a better vehicle for resolving problems while leaving feelings intact. Rule 5 Have (and Use) a Go-to Escape mottoEven if no action of your own fuels drama, you can get caught it in anyway A co-worker comes to you to complain about a teammate, you receive an email asking your opinion about a sensitive workplace debate that doesnt concern you, or s omeone starts revealing all-too-personal details of your managers love life. To avoid getting roped in, come to the office prepared with a go-to escape phrase- a polite but firm way to see yourself from a conversation that isnt going anywhere productive. Career coach Lea McLeod suggests expressing helplessness When a co-worker starts spinning the gossip yarn (I heard the boss knows that Sams looking for a new job- what do you think hes going to do?), shrug and say I cant help you with that one. Sorry.Other escape phrases could include Im sorry, Im on a tight deadline and I need to get back to work, or Im not feeling very chatty right now. Whatever you feel most comfortable with, have it at the ready- and use it.Rule 6 Never Assume Negative IntentIf youre looking for drama, youre going to find it. What do I mean? Lets say someone on your team sends you an email that says Hey Katie, I think we may need to change the approach to our marketing campaign. If youre reading it under the ass umption that everyone on your team is working together toward one, unified goal, you could see this as a respectful, helpful suggestion. If, on the other hand, youre assuming everyone wants to knock you down on their way to the top, you could interpret it as a condescending attack on all the work your team has put into the campaign so far- and an assertion that the sender clearly thinks he or she is better than you. Its pretty apparent that of the two options, the second is much more likely to contribute to a drama-filled workplace. To avoid that drama, simply work under the assumption that your co-workers and managers are there to help you, support you, and challenge you to produce even better work. When you follow these rules, youll avoid creating and adding to workplace drama. And a workplace without drama is one that is efficient, productive, and perhaps most importantly, enjoyable. Photo of office drama courtesy of Shutterstock.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The One Thing to Do for Build Resume Free
The One Thing to Do for Build Resume Free Resumizer is just one more totally free online resume building wizard. If youve got extensive experience, longer may be critical. As a consequence, it becomes much easier for us to incorporate the perfect elements into your resume, which subsequently can definitely enhance the chance of your resume getting selected. If youre a newbie and creating your first resume, there isnt any location for virtually any risk with this totally free online resume building tool. The Upside to Build Resume Free Experience and familiarity with the tasks is likewise an important element that employers look into before choosing to seek the services of someone. HR will be quite so impressed with your resume they might even ask how you built it. Consider your resume from the view of HR. You will soon locate the official data about us. Due to numerous functions, youll have the chance to demonstrate your creativity, and to demonstrate that youre the ideal candidacy for the vacancy. The work search may be a lengthy process just consider the statistics below Top Build Resume Free Secrets Now, take a look at best free online resume builder websites. Another benefit of our website is the quickness. The best thing of any job is to correct the bugs easily. You are able to land your dream job as an Android developer if you manage the next tips to think about while making your Resume. The New Fuss About Build Resume Free There are lots of professional resume template that can be found on the www from which you are able to make out some idea about how to construct a professional curriculum vitae using best resume builder websites. Your CV is going to be saved safely on the website and generating it is completely free of charge. If you decide to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. At the exact same time, you can discover templates not just for CVs but also for cover letters. Build Resume Free at a Glance Y ou may also read more on the ideal approach to use our resume samples here. Theres no precise length for a resume, and theres no standard to it. Additionally, you can specify the skills obtained in the class of work with comprehensive descriptions of them. You have to devote a certain quantity of time sitting in the library or surfing the internet as a way to discover some helpful data for your academic paper. The third sort is the combinational sort of resume which as the name implies, borrows features from both of the other kinds. With a selection of three unique forms, it is quite easy making a quick resume with Ezee-CV. exotisch from this, you will discover a large selection of resume templates that are made specifically for each profession and which meet your requirements. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
This is Why Job Candidates Hate Your Candidate Experience
This is Why Job Candidates Hate Your Candidate ExperienceThe workplace has entered a digital era and so should your hiring methods. What worked in attracting job applicants ten years ago isnt going to work in todays highly competitive job market. In fact, text-heavy job ads and unrelenting headhunters may do your brand mora harm than good. According to a recent study of more than 2,000 hiring decision makers by CareerBuilder, 82 percent of employers think theres little to no negative impact on the company when a candidate has a less-than-stellar experience during the hiring process. Wrong.The reality is that the majority of job candidates dont take an outdated or poor experience lying down. The same study, which also surveyed more than 5,000 workers, found that 58 percent of candidates are less likely to buy from a company they applied to if they didnt get a response to their application 69 percent are less likely if they had a badeanstalt experience during the interview, as are 65 p ercent if they didnt hear back after an interview. Needless to say, much of the power has shifted from the employer to the job candidate. To remain competitive and create a candidate experience that attracts, secures, and retains todays top talent, determine how your current hiring methods measure up to the latest trends. Above all, continuously reevaluate your hiring process and identify areas for improvement.To give you a head start, here are seven reasons your current hiring practices might be embarrassing you and your company1. Youre losing the guessing game.Consider this Candidates go beyond the job boards and use up to 18 resources throughout their job search, including social networking sites, search engines, and online referrals, according to the aforementioned CareerBuilder study. The problem? While job seekers consult a wide variety of sources, the same study found that majority of employers (58 percent) dont use tracking or coding technology to find out exactly where cand idates are coming from and ensure that theyre targeting those sources when recruiting. Knowing where your applicants are coming from plays a major role in hiring the right people. Simply assuming every person applied as result of your job ad wont help you when it comes to sourcing candidates later on. And, without any hard data on where your candidates are coming from, you may be missing out on valuable opportunities to connect with job seekers.Fortunately, technology enables us to eliminate the guesswork when it comes to sourcing candidates. Applicant tracking systems (ATS), for instance, help you identify which sources are the fruchtwein fruitful, thus allowing you to focus your time and efforts on those sources. And knowing where to look for qualified candidates will give you the competitive edge you need to land todays highly sought-after talent.2. Youre creating extra work for everyone.The most recent DHI-DFH Vacancy Duration Measure revealed that it took an average of 27.6 wor king days to fill jobs in October, which remains near the highest vacancy duration levels since 2001. From scheduling interviews to collaborating on hiring decisions, the hiring process can drag on for weeks or even months on end but it doesnt have to.Advancements in technology have brought outdated hiring practices, from drawn-out applications to time-consuming phone interviews, into the present. Take the phone screen, for instance. One-way video interviews, in which candidates record their answers to a series of predetermined questions, have essentially eliminated the need for the phone screen.And why spend upwards of 30 minutes on the phone with each candidate only to find youve forgotten half of their responses when you can use that time to review and collaborate over pre-recorded interviews?With one-way video interviews, hiring professionals can interview up to 10 candidates in the time it would take to perform a single phone screen, according to research by the Aberdeen Gro up. And, because candidates can complete these video interviews on their own time (within the deadline, of course), there are no scheduling issues, improving candidate experience. In addition to cutting down the workload during the screening process, the nature of video interviews makes it easier to collaborate with colleagues over hiring decisions, as they can be paused, replayed, and shared with others. And, whether youre making important hiring decisions or deciding on which restaurant to have cater your next work event, two heads are always better than one.3. Candidates take you out for dinner and never call you again.The hiring process often serves as a candidates first impression of your company and you dont get a second chance to make a good first impression. If you make candidates jump through hoops during the application process, for instance, chances are it wont reflect well on your company and the poor candidate experience can deter job seekers from completing an applica tion. In fact, the earlier mentioned CareerBuilder survey found that 40 percent of candidates feel the application process has become increasingly difficult. Of those, 57 percent believe the process lacks personalization, 51 percent are frustrated that they have no idea where they are in the process, and 50 percent say it has so many more steps than it used to. That being the case, its no wonder why three in five candidates leave their application unfinished.Reduce these frustrations and encourage more job seekers to apply by minimizing the amount of steps they must go through during the application process. Better yet, optimize your process for mobile. With nine in 10 job seekers planning to use a mobile device during their job search, according to Glassdoors 2014 survey on the Rise of the Mobile Job Search, an application process that cant be completed via mobile wont be completed at all. An application process that cant be completed via mobile, wont be completed. hiringClick To T weetMost importantly, keep candidates in the loop throughout the hiring process. Taking the time to give candidates a quick status update on their application can make a world of difference and have a positive effect notlage just on the overall experience, but on your employer brand.4. Theres dust on your social shares.With 56 percent of professionals looking to social media to discover new job opportunities, according to LinkedIns 2015 Talent Trends Report, your company doesnt just need to have a presence on social media, it needs to be active on those sites.Instead of relying solely on online job boards to advertise an open position, use the companys social media profiles to share new job openings, how to apply, and to give candidates a taste of your companys one-of-a-kind culture (i.e. why they need to apply). Social media presents a unique opportunity to get candidates involved in the hiring process. Ask potential candidates to present their elevator pitch in a single tweet or h ave them send a Snapchat story that showcases their qualifications in eight creative story frames. This is a fun alternative to the traditional candidate profile that job candidates are required to create when applying for a job. Above all, have fun with it. Having a lively social media presence and engaging with followers is a great way to get job seekers attention. Even if a job isnt up their alley, chances are, they will pass along interesting content to a friend or family member who might just be your next great hire.5. You forgot to check out candidates online.Just as job seekers use social media to get a better feel for your company and its culture, you need to use it to get to know the person behind the tailored resume. After all, theres only so much a resume or job application will tell you about a candidate. Social media can serve as a great pre-screening tool, as it gives you insight not just about a candidates professional skills and experience, but also on their characte r. According to a recent study by CareerBuilder, 52 percent of employers use social networking sites to research job candidates. Of those, 32 percent found information that ultimately caused them to hire a candidate, including Background information supported job qualifications (42 percent) Personality fit with company culture (38 percent) Site conveyed a professional image (38 percent) Great communication skills (37 percent) Creativity (36 percent)Social media can be the make or break with it comes to identifying the best candidateClick To TweetBut social media can also bring up a number of candidate red flags so much so, that the same study found that 48 percent of hiring managers who screened candidates via social networks have found information that caused them not to hire a candidate, including Provocative or inappropriate photos (46 percent) Information about candidate drinking or using drugs (40 percent) Candidate bad-mouthed previous company or fellow employee (34 percent) Poor communication skills (30 percent) Discriminatory comments (29 percent)Its no secret to job seekers that most of the things they post and share online are made public for potential employers to see. So, a candidate who doesnt bother to clean up their social reputation before applying for the job might not be the candidate for you. While its important to look for supporting evidence when hiring, its equally important to use that evidence to avoid making a bad call. Dont make the mistake of making a costly bad hire because you didnt research the candidate online beforehand screen online before you hire. 6. You have no personality.Job candidates want to see the human aspect of your company. In fact, 57 percent of respondents in the previously mentioned CareerBuilder survey believe that companies are sacrificing personalization for automation.While automation can make for a smoother hiring process, you risk losing what makes your company unique. Put the human back in human resource s by personalizing various aspects of the hiring process. Take your job postings up a notch by featuring a company culture video or photos. Share individual employee testimonials on the companys Twitter and Facebook accounts. And make automated application receipt messages and candidate rejection emails sound a little less robotic and a little more sincere.7. Your slow and steady approach isnt winning this race.When it comes to candidate experience, slow and steady does not win the race for top talent. On average, 44 percent job seekers surveyed by LinkedIn said it took less than a month from the time they started their job offer to when they accepted a new position. If youre slow to update them on their status or extend an offer, theyll move on to the next opportunity. Job seekers want to know where they stand, so communicate with them throughout the process. According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder, 52 percent of candidates expect a phone call telling them where they stand in the hiring process. Whats more, 25 percent of job seekers expect to hear if the employer will not be bringing them in for an interview.Even if the candidate did not get the job, its critical to your employer brand to send timely and open communication. Although its not pleasant, and it can be time consuming, email every candidates to let them know they didnt make the cut. When you do find the right fit, dont take too long to offer them the job. For 38 percent of employers, it takes more than three days after the interview to extend a job offer to a candidate, according to CareerBuilders 2015 Candidate Behavior Study. By that time, your perfect candidate may could accept another offer. Dont hesitate to snatch up the talent you want or you could miss out. Although youve created a hiring process that works for you, it wont be effective unless it works for candidates as well. Update your candidate experience to attract job seekers and keep your employer brand in tact. Are you guilty of any of these embarrassing candidate experience mistakes? Share in the comments below
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